Tokyo is rightfully known as one of the most exciting and overwhelmingly impressive places on the planet. It’s a city which is crowded, fast-paced and dense, bursting with colourful stimuli at every turn. And yet no matter how wondrous and wild you expect Tokyo to be, there is pure calm and tranquility in its madness. It is this unique coexistence of rich cultural traditions and the ultra futuristic which makes Tokyo so special.
Made up of 23 wards that are distinctively unique to each other, Tokyo is brimming with culinary delights, innovative architecture, traditional arts and vibrant fashion.
Being half Japanese and having spent half of my life in Tokyo, I have a deep, personal connection with the city. Through years of exploring Tokyo’s vibrant culture and hidden corners, with this guide you'll discover my insider tips on the city’s best-kept secrets, must-see sites and unique experiences.